Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Post Rhinoplasty - Day 7

Feeling great now with the splint off, and stitches between the nostrils gone. Still congested but I can at least breathe and it's slowly improving. But since I can't smell anything, that means I also can't really taste anything. So it's kinda weird, but i'm still eating, just can't really enjoy food like usual. Sleeping way better now, only woke up twice last night from dry mouth. Still very happy with the results, swelling on cheeks are nearly gone, and bruising is all still there. I think it'll be completely gone in a few days.

An unknown doctor came from plastic surgery department for the routine checkup. I told her about the pain I’m suffering but she didn’t even notice that. I was about to tell her that incident she moved away without listening me. I felt bad. If she doesn’t want to listen me, why did she come? Its ok I thought. Pain is almost zero now that’s why. Tomorrow is 8th day post-surgery and I’ll get this cast off. I could see my nose. I’m getting bit nervous. Will I have any change? Or all my efforts will go waste???hmmmmm let’s wait and see.

 Today’s symptoms:-
  • Pain = only that hit pain but very small, eye sore, slight headache.
  • Congestion = Heavy but comparatively less than yesterday.
  • Bruising =  under both eyes and under nose but getting lighter.
  • Swelling = eyes and nose but almost gone.

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