Saturday, March 2, 2013

Post Rhinoplasty - Day 2

I slept badly propped up on a recliner to help the drainage and was constantly worried i was going to roll over the floor. I woke up this morning, well actually just got up as I didn't sleep at all and it's not because of the pain but because I couldn't sleep for more than 15 minutes. As soon as my mouth got dry, I woke. I don't do well with total congestion and loss of control. Finally fall asleep at 5am and wake up at 6:30am. Surprisingly the pain is very minimal. It's like a dull headache in your head, and your nose, but it doesn't hurt one bit. My eyes are totally red and any little wrinkles that used to sit under my eyes are now inside out! My right eye hurting. The 'moustache' dressing is a must but the fibers tickle my nose like nuts.  After I spray up my nose, it trickles down slowly which also drives me insane.

I was reading and watching things on my laptop and watched old tv shows that I watched when I was younger and took a painkiller to keep my mind off things. Then Dr. Girija came from plastic surgery department, I demand her for some sedatives as I’m dying to sleep.  She smiled and denied my request she told me that I so young so I should not start that habit from now. Tried to sleep and it's impossible. Mouth breathing sucks and woke me up every time i was about to fall asleep.

Today’s symptoms:- 

  •  Pain = none, slight headache and eye sore that's it. 
  • Congestion = Heavy, heavier than day 1. Driving me insane
  • Bruising = under both eyes and under nose
  • Swelling = on cheeks, eyes and nose.

I am already tired of sleeping upright and it's only Day 2!!!

Recliner( Not Actualy a recliner but the hospital have given me this to prop up bed)

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